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Calibrachoa Jambo

Calibrachoa Jambo

  • Beautiful flowering shape
  • Suitable for full sun or shade 
  • For window sills, balconies, pots and baskets
  • Resistant to cold
  • Semi-hanging habit and very floriferous plant
  • It forms a colorful pillow descending completely to cover the pot
  • Jambo blooms from the beginning of April to the first frosts
  • Transplant in a larger pot or in a container, alone or together with other less vigorous plants
  • Use a good quality soil, possibly specific for Surfinia (pH 5.5-6.0)
  • Beautiful combinations with other colors of Jambo or white Lobularia, Verbena, Lobelia, Petunia
  • Use a good quality peaty soil, possibly specific for Surfinia (pH 5.5-6.0)
  • Start fertilizing after 20-30 days from the transplant 
  • Fertilize 3 times a month with specific fertilizer for flowering plants
  • Decrease fertilization only during the hottest periods
  • Add iron once a month to have always bright flowers prevent the foliage from turning yellow
  • Among the possible adversities aphids, more rarely mites (red spider mite)
  • Calibrachoa flowers look like a Petunia, but smaller, therefore resistant to rain
  • The leaves are not sticky like Surfinia
  • The longer the exposure to sun, the more the plant is covered with flowers