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Dipladenia Cosmos

Dipladenia Cosmos

  • Dipladenia with large and bright flowers
  • For very sunny or bright positions
  • For large containers with a great climbing habit
  • Ideal for sunny balconies without need of much care
  • It is vigorous with naturally climbing habit
  • With a support it climbs easily with its long stems
  • Use a 5-6 pH peaty soil, such as those specific for Surfinia
  • On the sunniest balconies will form a cushion of velvety flowers
  • It is a sturdy plant therefore it does not require too much water
  • Fertilize 2-3 times a month, starting one month after transplant 
  • You can pinch longer stems in order to ease a better branching and bring more flowers
  • Pruning is also recommended at the end of the season when the plant must be sheltered from the cold
  • Possible pests are aphids (lice) and cochineals
  • It is a plant that loves heat and is afraid of cold
  • If repaired during the winter (>5°C) with little watering, even if it will lose many leaves it will start again to vegetate in spring