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Bidens Fiordoro

Bidens Fiordoro

  • Beautiful yellow flowers
  • Can be placed everywhere, from full sun to shade
  • Suitable for window boxes, flowerbeds and large pots
  • Alone or in mixed composition
  • Upright and moderately luxuriant plant
  • Transplant in a larger pot, especially if combined with other plants
  • Use good quality soil to keep water well
  • In full sun beautiful combinations with Surfinia (blue, white, pink), Pelargonium or Verbena
  • In shade, instead, combine with Lobelia
  • During summer water abundantly every day, especially if exposed to direct sunlight
  • Start the fertilization after about one month from the transplant
  • Fertilize 2-3 times a month with specific fertilizer for flowering plants
  • Bidens can be affected by aphids

  • The flowers of the Fiordoro attract pollinating bees and butterflies
  • The Bidens is a very sturdy plant, originating from the spontaneous grasses of the meadows