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Portulaca Kokorita

Portulaca Kokorita

  • The most luminescent flowers colours in summer
  • Very sturdy plant for sunny and warm exposures
  • It does not bloom in shade or with insufficient light
  • For containers or garden beds
  • Round plant growing flat and spreading
  • It fits in small containers or in rock gardens
  • It can be transplanted in a larger pot or container with other portulaca
  • It is not very demanding as soil, but suffers from stagnation of water
  • Do not water too much, even in summer
  • Moderate fertilization starting not earlier than one month after transplant
  • Possible adversities are root rots due to excess of water or not draining soils

  • The ornamental flowering portulaca originates from the spontaneous species in the fields
  • They are famous plants for their rusticity and adaptability to extreme hot and dry conditions
  • The flowers close at night and in bad weather until the sun come back