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Lantana Bandana

Lantana Bandana

  • Summer plant with the brightest colors
  • Very generous even in full sun and dry climate
  • Very resistant and sturdy 
  • Suitable for windowsills, small spaces and flowerbeds
  • Round shape plant growing strong and compact
  • Transplant into a larger pot or container
  • Lantana suffers from stagnation of water
  • It can be used alone or combined with plants with decorative leaves, such as Calocephalus or Helichrysum
  • Do not water too much, even during summer
  • Moderate fertilization required, starting not earlier than one month after transplant
  • Being compact, it does not need pruning
  • Possible parasites are white butterflies and more rarely mites (red spider mite)
  • When Lantana has flowered it has a sweet citrus scent, most of all in yellow flowers