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Sunpatiens Compact

Sunpatiens Compact

  • Impatiens loving the sun
  • Explosive flowering from March until November
  • Sunpatiens grows easily from full sun to shade
  • It is used on balconies, in large pots and gardens
  • Sunpatiens has an upright habit
  • In full sun it reaches a height of 30-45 cm, in half-shade 50-60 cm
  • The more is in full sun the more flowers produces
  • In pots better use only one color
  • In containers and flower beds suggestive effects together with white Euphorbia

  • It is advisable to transplant immediately into a larger pot or flower bed
  • In the flowerbed mix the ground with peaty and soft soil
  • Water abundantly the soil until the plant has rooted
  • Put slow-release fertilizer into the soil before transplanting
  • Alternatively start the fertilization one month after transplant
  • Possible adversities are represented by red spider mite

  • The Sunpatiens was the first Impatiens to bear full sun
  • It is one of the most floriferous plant even in low light conditions
  • During hottest days direct can fade the colour of older flowers